
Lainie Pasquini


I’d been an avid runner for more than 20 years and dabbling in yoga for nearly as many when I walked into my first Ashtanga class. I was instantly hooked on the challenging led primary sequence and the sense of ease and connectedness I felt after practicing.  I’m still just as in love now as I was then, nearly 12 years later. I’m grateful for every experience and for every lesson learned on my mat and integrated into my life. The depth of this practice is such that a lifetime of dedication would leave me with still more wisdom to glean from the system. I take every opportunity to practice with senior teachers in the direct lineage of Pattabhi and Sharath Jois. 

Rather than fixating on the perfect version of the asana, I repeatedly bring attention back to the breath, opening up to the lessons that the asanas can teach us about our physical, mental, and spiritual selves. My focus is on maintaining the breath and bandhas, proper anatomical alignment, and focusing attention. Surrendering the ego, the body, and the mind to the practice of balancing effort and ease while riding the breath. I consider it a great privilege and honor to share what I’ve learned with others as we collectively unite our physical selves with our highest selves, each other, and the divine. 


“Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God will remain with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation and surrender to God.”

 Sri T Krishnamacharya


Emily Cox


Jesse Molina